Why This Guide?

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Updated September 12, 2022
Equity Compensation

The first edition of this work, written by the same lead authors as the one you’re reading now, received significant feedback and discussion on Hacker News, on GitHub, and from individual experts. Now, Holloway is pleased to publish this new edition of the Guide. We’ve expanded sections, added resources and visuals, and filled in gaps.

There is a lot of information about equity compensation spread across blogs and articles that focus on specific components of the topic, such as vesting, types of stock options, or equity levels. We believe there is a need for a consolidated and shared resource, written by and for people on different sides of compensation decisions, including employees, hiring managers, founders, and students. Anyone can feel overwhelmed by the complex details and high-stakes personal choices that this topic involves. This reference exists to answer the needs of beginners and the more experienced.

Holloway and our contributors are motivated by a single purpose: To help readers understand important details and their contexts well enough to make better decisions themselves. The Guide aims to be practical (with concrete suggestions and pitfalls to avoid), thoughtful (with context and multiple expert perspectives, including divergent opinion on controversial topics), and concise (it is dense but contains only notable detailsβ€”still, it’s at least a three-hour read, with links to three hundred sources!).

The Guide does not purport to be either perfect or complete. A reference like this is always in process. That’s why we’re currently testing features to enable the Holloway community to suggest improvements, contribute new sections, and call out anything that needs revision. We welcome (and will gladly credit) your help.

We especially wish to recognize the dozens of people who have helped write, review, edit, and improve it so farβ€”and in the futureβ€”and hope you’ll check back often as it improves.


This Guide currently covers:

  • Equity compensation in C corporations in the United States.

  • Equity compensation for most employees, advisors, and independent contractors in private companies, from startups through larger private corporations.

  • You’re reading a preview of an online book. Buy it now for lifetime access to expert knowledge, including future updates.
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