Knowledge is more powerful when shared with a team. The Holloway catalog of online books offers some of the most in-depth and deeply researched guides available in teamwork, entrepreneurship, creativity, and growth, in unique digital format.
Holloway readers often wish to share access to one book or a set of titles with their team, clients, or portfolio companies.
Holloway is pleased to offer team access to make it easy to give lifetime access to each person in a group.
For purchases of a gift for an individual or small group, you can select a quantity during checkout, and you’ll instantly get an email that grants access that you can forward to each recipient.
For teams, we also offer more flexible access options, including invoiced billing.
Tell us about your team in this 3-question form. We invoice you for the titles you’re interested in and the number of people who need access, and give you an invite link you can share with the team. You also get the flexibility to grow beyond the initial purchase to a larger team as needed.
Each team member receives a digital copy of each book purchased in their account.
As with individual purchases, these team purchases are for lifetime access per person (not a recurring subscription), including future updates and any additional resources accompanying a title such as downloads* or videos. A copy must be purchased for each recipient. You will be invoiced for your initial purchase quantity and are invoiced again only if the number of people who desire access goes over that quantity.
Currently all group purchases are $5 off per copy plus additional volume discounts if purchased at once (on one invoice):
More questions or needs? We’re here to help! Contact
See the FAQ for more on Holloway digital titles.
✨ Pro tip: Your employer may already have an L&D budget that can cover educational materials for employees—if you’re unsure, consider forwarding this page to your manager or benefits team to confirm!