Being Accountable

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Updated January 14, 2025

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If it doesn’t persist, it doesn’t exist.Luke Thomas, founder, Friday*

Some employers might think that remote workers are less accountable. You don’t have supervisors peering over your shoulder, and the lack of a physical presence can drive the perception that you’re not really “at work.”

Trust is a fundamental necessity in high-functioning remote teams, and accountability fosters trust. It’s essential that your team and manager trust that you’ll get your work done, and that you’re all focused on the same outcomes.

Find more on accountability in Being Accountable and Responsive.

Prioritizing Your Health

Being a remote worker requires that you invest extra time and effort in your own success. For many remote workers, there’s simply less feedback and recognition from peers and supervisors. This can be amplified if you run into problems, especially if you’re isolated or feeling disconnected.

Unless you speak up, it’s not guaranteed that others will notice—they’re simply too focused on their own work. That means it is important that you be proactive and make changes yourself to improve your working life, or ask for help if you need it.

See Personal Health for more on managing both your physical and mental health while working remotely.

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